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Showing posts from September, 2020

Jamun (Black Berry) - Health Benefits | जामुन और स्वास्थ्य लाभ

Agriculture Bill 2020 (कृषि विधेयक 2020)

विपक्ष और गठबंधन की आलोचना के बाद एनडीए सरकार ने 20 सितंबर 2020 को कृषि सुधार बिल संसद को पारित कर दिया। केंद्रीय कैबिनेट मंत्री खाद्य प्रसंस्करण उद्योग के इस्तीफे के बावजूद भी इसमें कोई परिवर्तन नहीं किया गया। प्रधानमंत्री सहित सभी मंत्रियों का स्पष्ट स्पष्टीकरण कि यह विधेयक किसानों के जीवन के लिए गेम-चेंजर है। इस बिल के होने से किसान अपने फसल पर निर्णय लेने के लिए अधिक शक्तिशाली होगा। आइए तीन बिलों के बारे में विस्तार से जानें पहले बिल के अनुसार , किसान एपीएमसी बाजार के बाहर अपनी उगाई गई फसल को बेचने के लिए स्वतंत्र हैं। इस विधेयक के लागू होने के बाद, किसानों को निकटतम एपीएमसी में अपनी फसल को बेचने के लिए कोई बाध्यता नहीं होगी। इस बिल के अनुसार किसान अपनी पसंद केअनुसार बाजार में अपनी फसल देश में कहीं भी बेच सकता है। परिवहन एवं कर में कमी कर उनको फसल का ज्यादा दाम दिलाना | इ-ट्रेडिंग के माध्यम से किसानो को पुरे देश भर के प्राइस की कीमत को उपलब्ध करना | मंडियों के अलावा अनाज भंडारण, कोल्ड स्टोरेज और फार्मगेट पर भी व्यापर की स्वतंत्रता | किसानो को बिना बिचौलिओं ...

WAG 12 Locomotive (WAG 12 रेल इंजन ) MADE IN INDIA

Indian Railway has made WAG 12 Locomotive. WAG 12 means WIDE AC GOODS 12000 HP. This locomotive is totally made in India and made in Madhepura loco factory(Bihar). India has become 6th Heavy hall locomotive producer country in the world. This is the world's first highest capacity Locomotive. This locomotive is will work on an electric line.  This locomotive has been released for service from May 19, 2020. This locomotive can be run a speed of 120 KMPh with a load capacity of 6000 tonnes(Around 150 bogies). Total weight of this locomotive is 200 tonnes. This locomotive has an AC cab for pilots and inbuild toilets. This locomotive has been made with the assistance of Alstom french company as per the agreement signed in 2015. As per this agreement, both companies together will produce 800 locomotives by 2028.   This locomotive will bring revolution in freight carriers. Using this locomotive load capacity and speed both will increase. This locomotive will help the railway to...

Rameshwaram Temple (रामेश्वरम मंदिर )

Rameshwaram is one of the four pilgrims, which is situated in Rampuram District of Tamilnadu. This is an island name of padamban. This place is having the same importance in the South as Kashi is having in the North. This is said that if you will have a bath here in you won't get any disease. Rameshwaram is an island which is situated between Way of Bengal. Once a time this land was connected with India. but the increasing water level in the sea has made this is an Island and got disconnected from India. To connect this island a Bridge was built by a German engineer in  1911 and opened for public in 1915.  The Rameshwaram Temple's actual name is Ramanathswamy Temple. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva but the name is on Lord Rama. It was said that while returning Of Lord Rama along with from Lanka had made worship to Lord  Shiva. It was said that Lord had landed here while returning to Ayodhya from Lanka. He wanted to make worship for Lord Shiva to eliminate the killi...