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Jamun (Black Berry) - Health Benefits | जामुन और स्वास्थ्य लाभ

Mission Green Railways 2030 (मिशन ग्रीन रेलवे 2030)

The Ministry of Railways has on a mission mode to fully intend on changing Indian Railways into Green Railways by 2030. The Ministry of Railways has taken various significant drives towards alleviation of a worldwide temperature alteration and fighting environmental change.  Rail line Electrification, improving the energy productivity of trains and prepares and fixed establishments, green accreditation for establishments/stations, fitting bio-latrines in mentors and changing to inexhaustible wellsprings of energy are portions of its procedure of accomplishing net-zero fossil fuel byproduct.  Indian Railways has finished a jolt of in excess of 4 0,000 Route km (RKM) (63% of Broad Gauge courses) in which 18,605 km zap work has been finished during 2014-20. Beforehand, just 3,835 km jolt work was finished during the period 2009-14. Indian Railways has fixed an objective of the jolt of 7000 RKM for the year 2020-21.  All courses on Broad Gauge (BG) network have been intended to be charged

COVID Care and Essential Aid (COVID देखभाल और आवश्यक सहायता)

In the current COVID situation everything has mashed up. Going out from home for any necessary work or health check-up doesn't feel safe at all. To keep your self safe going out of your house now time has come to add some more devices to add in our first add box. Below are some details about those devices which are a very essential part of our day to day life.   Pulse Oxymeter - In this COVID situation, any breathing problem gives a doubt of COVID symptoms. This device will help you to check the oxygen level in your blood. you can put your first finger in the machine to check the same. So, you should have a pulse oxymeter at your home.  Thermometer - A normal thermometer (Mercuric/Digital) for home use purpose should be kept at home.  Also, check What is immunity? Electronic Blood Pressure - Blood Pressure is a very common problem in 7 out of 10 aged people now a day. So every time going out/clinic only for BP checkup is not a good idea in this COVID situation. While purchasing t

Best things to observe Headache

Headache is a very common problem in all our lives. The era in which we are living is always there a cause for any attention. Blame it on our upsetting life, undesirable way of life or unusual dietary patterns, encountering gentle to serious migraines have ended up being a normal issue for the greater part of us and there's no denying the way that a straightforward cerebral pain can unleash destruction on the entirety of your arrangements.  Cerebral pains are evidently the most frightening experience and the vast majority of us accept that springing up pills is the lone hotel to discover help, however, did you know a basic cup of tea can mend your extreme migraine in a much successful manner. Here are a couple of natively constructed tea mixes curated by Chefs that can wonderfully fix cerebral pains.  Adding a scramble of cinnamon can do something amazing as Cinnamon goes about as a characteristic torment reliever and is particularly compelling on account of cerebral pains. Additio

Corona Viruses and Preventions ( कोरोनावायरस और रोकथाम )

Corona Viruses havoc in the country is gradually increasing day by day. It is being compulsory advised to wear masks as a primary precaution for prevention and to follow social distancing but that is not enough to be safe. For this, strengthening the immune system of the body is also very important because if the immunity system is weak, the body can easily fall prey to any virus. In such a situation, it is important that you include those things in your diet that can boost the immunity of the body. While the first wave of the corona was considered to be more dangerous for the elderly and those already suffering from any disease, in the second wave, youth and children are increasingly vulnerable to it. This is also a matter of great concern because no corona vaccine has yet been made for children. Children are more at risk of spreading new variants - According to many types of research and studies, the new variant of Corona  Viruses   is more strong and life-threatening. It can easily

Summer Safety Tips (गर्मी से बचने के उपाए )

After seemingly an endless winter, the mercury levels have at long last risen. This implies the time has come to accept the outside, head to the seashore and go plunging. In the midst of the warmth and every one of the outside exercises, one thing that gets frequently neglected. That is the manner by which you deal with yourself during summer.  You would prefer not to invest energy in the sun one day and afterwards falling debilitated the other on the grounds that you didn't deal with yourself during summer. There are so numerous ways you can simply set yourself up for the mid-year with the goal that you don't feel dried out, debilitated or having pained skin when summer at last comes.  Here are some safety tips by which to deal with yourself during summer Drink More Water   Regardless of what climate is, water is significant. However, it turns out to be more essential to have more water in the late spring. With all the perspiration and warmth, the body can turn out to be immed